Monday, December 24, 2012

sunset (letter to the sun)

you were treacherous, bright one

when you went down

letting the earth,
that cold black ball
of rock
slide over your face

leaving me here
to milk heat
from the stars

in shadow, not yet a creature
of the dark

huddled down with the damp grass
holding the dew hostage
until dawn

I tell you, I will not embrace the night
while something inside me
still burns

a spark from your body of fire
that whispers
“not yet, not yet”

and a flame
that murmurs
“I have not forgotten”


Blogger Out of Sight L said...

I will send you the dew and embrace you into the sunlight and no black thing will get you, I'm with you 100%
more than you'll ever know...until we meet with the sun xx
Love you dear Bird, your heart is so gigantic it can cover all your hurt
Have a Merry Christmas I

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at 6:07:00 AM EST  
Blogger Yes said...

Lorraine--my dear, this is the poem you inspired with your glowing sunset photo-- and the verse with it--
I said it would make me write a new poem--
and here it is.
You and I have many of the same feelings...thank you for understanding!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012 at 10:40:00 PM EST  

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